

Blue_ss.dll is a “Dynamic Link Library” file used primarily by the Internet Explorer application to process web pages and Internet data on your PC. This file has been a central part of the Windows for many years, but is also the cause of many problems for the Windows PC as well. It’s often the case that Windows will show Blue_ss.dll errors when you try and open up a web page on your PC, and is caused either by registry errors, or by Windows having faulty plugins. To make sure this is not a problem, you should follow the steps in this article to fix these errors.

When your blue_ss.dll file is corrupted or infected, you will find your computer is very slow, programs are easy to freeze up; many programs are unable to operate as well as error messages will constantly show up at running a program or startup of computer. If you are experiencing those computer problems, you could read the following tips to fix your blue_ss.dll easily.

An infected or false Blue_ss.dll will bring you a lot of trouble. You may receive various computer Blue_ss.dll error messages when you boot up PC or run a program. At the very beginning you can ignore those errors and continue operation. But things will go worse very soon. Programs will automatically shut off and your computer reboot and even crashes. If you are receiving a file error, you should find ways to repair it as soon as possible.

The normal locations are listed below.

1. 32-bit version of Windows XP or Vista “C:WindowsSystem32.”
2. Windows 2000 and NT, “C:WINNTSystem32.”
3. Windows 95, 98 and ME, “C:WindowsSystem.”

False Blue_ss.dll is hard to remove manually, as it will take much time to check and identify the false one and it is even impossible find out all of the viruses on your computer. You should look through the “registry” of your PC and fix any of the errors that are inside it with a registry cleaner program. Registry cleaners are software tools designed to scan through the central registry database of your PC and fix any of the errors that are in there. The registry is a database which contains settings & files that Windows requires to run. This database is a vital part of your system, but is also one of the biggest causes of problems for your PC – constantly becoming damaged and corrupted. To ensure this is not a problem, you should use a ‘registry cleaner’ to scan through the registry and fix any of the potential problems that are inside it.

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